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Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 12:21:05 -0500 (EST)
To: Seekonk116@aol.com
Subject: Re: No Subject
Conservatives are people who had too many toys when they were
Oh really? Is that why I have two jobs? What do you do for a living?
Is that why my mother grew up in *extreme* poverty? She didn't have
any toys! Is that why my Dad was on his own at 18, working long hours,
and why he came to American by himself and worked his rear off? I am so
sick of liberals acting like conservatives are all rich fat cats who never
work - well excuse me but my whole family WORKS and always have. And we
never take government hand-outs either. But when we do work and make money
somehow that is evil. I guess it's ok to have money though, if you are
Get a life! Stop sounding like a Rush Limbaugh clone.
I haven't listened to Rush in about 4 years. But then, air headed people
like you tend to just make accusations without backing them up with
thought. Typical knee-jerk reaction from the left. When you can't argue
FACTS you wail "wwwahh! You sound like Rush!" Well, you sound like
a liberal sheep, with your "you have too many toys" line. I suggest that
perhaps you think for yourself.
The time you people
waste in lambasting the president should be put to good use training
your children not to become America's next miscreants.
I don't have children. If you spent 2 seconds finding out
anything about me you would know this. Is this how YOU spend your free
time - sending out snotty emails? Or are you busy reading "How to use
AOL?" Or perhaps you spend your weekends helping the poor?