The following vital records from the town of Swansea, MA were provided to
me by Cheri Branca. The spelling is as it appears in the original book.
These include births, deaths, and marriage records for Thurbers and for a few members of the
Sisson family.
Thurber births in alphabetical order:
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 40 as "Betsey the Daughter of Edward Thurber and of Abigail his wife
was born January the 20:1770."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 49 as "Caleb Thurber the son of John Thurber and of Mary his wife
was born May the 7:1738."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 51 as "Cromell the Son of Edward Thurber and of Abegail his wif[e]
was born February ye:13:1765."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 57 as "D[erias?-faded] the Son of Edward Thurber and of Abigail his
wife was born June 12:1673 ."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 61 as "Edward ye Son of Richard Thurber & Mercy his wife was born ye
31st of January 1710."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 64 as "Edward Thurber the Son of Edward Thurber and Hopstill of his
wife was born December 16:1736."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 66 as "Edward Thurber the Son of John Thurber and of Mary his wife
was born may the 2:1746."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 70 as "Edward Thurber the Son of Richard Thurber and of Mary his wife
was born July ye 5:1767."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 4 as "Elizabeth the daughter of John Thurber and Mary his wife was
borne the 24th day of August 1678 ."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 66 as "Elizabeth Thurber the daughter of John Thurber and Mary his
wife was born November the 14:1743 ."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 62 as "Esek the Son of John Thurber and Mary his wife was born the
:8: day of may :1731."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 81 as "Hezekiah Thurber the son of Edward Thur[ber] and of Hopestill
of his wife was born april th[torn] 17[torn]."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 82 as "[?Hop] Thurber the daughter of Edward Thurber and Hopstill his
wif was born febuary ye 22:1742/3 ."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 80 as "Hopstill Thurber the daughter of Luther Thurber [and] of Marcy
his wife was Born april ye 3:1761 sixth day of the week ."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 9 as "James the sone of Thomas Thurber was born the 4 of August
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 11 as "John the sonn of Thomas and Ruth Therber his wife was born ye
August 31:1690."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 12 as "[John?] the son of Thomas Therber Junier and An: his wife was
borne the 30 day of Jannuary 1700/1701." (note: this appeared on the
"J"-first names page)
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 86 as "John the son of John Thurber and Sarah his wife was born march
ye 3:1718/19"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
pages 93 and 95 as "John Thurber ye son of John Thurber and Mary his wife
was born february 18:1735/6"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 109 as "Little John the son of David Thurber and of Abigail his wife
was born December ye 16:176[?-faded]"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 105 as "Luther Thurber the son of Edward Thurber and Hopestill his
wife was born the :2:day of September:1734"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 15 as "Margarit the daughter of Edward Thurber and Margerit his wife
was borne August :15:1699"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 13 as "Mary the daughter of John Thurber and Mary his wife was borne
the 10th of July 1674"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 13 as "Mary the daughter of Tho: and Ruth Therber his wife was born
18 of Sept 1686"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 111 as "Mary ye daughter of John Thurber and Sarah his wife was born
ye 5th of may 1721"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 113 as "Mary the daughter of John Thurber and Mary his wife was born
march the:1:1729"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 120 as "Mary Thurber the daughter of Richard Thurber and Mary his
wife was born September the 26:1765"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 118 as "Marcy Thurber the daughter of Edward Thurber and of Hopestill
his wife was borne July the 20:1745"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 131 as "Patance the daughter of Edward Thurber and Hopstill his wife
was born March ye 6:1741"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 16 as "Presilla the daughter of John & Mary Therber was born the 7 of
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 17 as "Rachel the daughter of John Thurber and Mary his wife was
borne the fift day of March 1682/3"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 137 as "Richard the Son of Edward Thurber and Hopstill his wife was
born April:7:1739"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 139 &140 as "Robe the Daughter of John Thurber and Mary his wife was
born the 16 of July 1733"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 17 & 409 as "Ruth the daughter of Thomas Thurber and Ruth his wife
was borne the 16th day of July: 1682"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 147 as "Samuel the son of John Thurber and Sarah his wife was Born
march ye 21:1715/16"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 154 as "Seth the son [of] Luther Thurber and of Marcy his wife was
Born march ye 27 day 1759 the 3 day of the week"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 20 as "Thomas the son of John Thurber and Mary his wife was borne the
24 of November 1676"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 21 as "Thomas the son of Thomas Thurber and of Ruth his wife was
Borne the 5: day of July Anno dom: 1700"
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 160 as "Thomas Thurber the Son of John Thurber and Mary his wife was
born December the 25:1740"
Thurber marriages in alphabetical order:
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 190 as "James Bowen of Barrington and Ann Thurber of Swanzey was
married June the 18:1744 by me Benjamin Herrington minister in Swanzey"
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 205 as "Thomas Whalee & Charity Thurber was married Septembver
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 176 as "Edward Thurber and Hopestill Luther both of Swanzey ware
Solemly joined in marriage November the :19:1733 by me Joseph Mason
Justice a peace"
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 178 as "Edward Thurber and Abigail Eddy both of Swanzey was married
august the 26:1762 by me Russel Mason Elder of a Church of Crist in
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 419 as "Edward Thurber of Swanzey & Elizabeth Eastabrooke of Warren
were married August ye 18th:1768 by James Manning Pastor of a Church in sd
Town" (recorded in Warren)
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 375 for Ichabod Thurber & Elizabeth Smith (I don't have that page)
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 182 as "James Thurber and Hipzebath Luis was married december ye
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 191 as "James Thurber of Rehoboth and Lydia Harden of Swanzey was
married June ye 18th:1749 by me Job Mason Elder of a Church of Christ in
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 416 as "James Thurber of Swanzey and Hephzebah Lewis of Bristol were
married Dec. 25. 1706 by Rev. Mr. Luther" (recorded in Bristol)
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 188 as "John Thurber and Mary Brown was married April ye 8:1726"
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 378 for John Thurber & Martha Wardwell (I don't have this page)
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 173 as "David Willson and Judah Thurbe both of Swanzey was married
November ye 19:1767 by Russel Mason Elder of church of Christ in Swanzey"
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 188 as "Lenard Thurber and Silence Sharp both of Swanzey was married
September the 14:1761"
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 188 as "Luther Thurber & Marcy Eddy both of Swanzey was married
November the 18:1756 by me Russel Mason Elder of a church of Christ in
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 850"
page 193 as "Nobil Mason of Swanzey and Lydia Thurber of Rehoboth was
married November ye 5:1769 by me Aaron Kingsley Justis of peas"
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 186 as "John Sisson and Mary Thurber both of Swanzey was married July
the 21:1751 by me Esek Brown justice of peace"
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 199 as "Oliver Mason of Swanzey and Mary Thurber of Rehoboth was
marred april ye 25:1765 By Russell Mason Elder of a Church of Christ In
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 242 as "[Edward Gra]y and Mary Thurber both of Swanzey was married
[Feb. 24 1771 by Rus] sell Mason Elder of church of Christ in sd Swanzey"
(edges of page torn; name and date supplied and verified
by county records)
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 408 (New Plymouth Register) as "Samell Bullucke and Mary Thirber were
married on the 12th day of Nouember 1673"
(repeat) marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts
to 1850" page 413 as "Edward Gray and Mercy Thurber both of Swanzey were
married Feb. 24.1771 (Sess.1746/77, p610)" (Mercy is listed in index as
Mercy Eddy Thurber)
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 365 for Phebe B. Thurber (I don't have this page.)
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 188 as "John Prat and Prisila Thurber were married January the
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 201 as "Richard Thurber and Mary Luther both of Swanzey was married
December the 30:1764 by Rusel Mason Elder of a church of Christ in
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 182 as "John Hall and Ruth Thurber were married November the 27:1717"
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 25 as "Thomas Thurber was Married with Ruth Buzigut of Warwick
febuary 23:1677"
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 377 Thomas Thurber and Mary Read (I don't have this page)
Thurber deaths:
death date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 216 as "Edward Thurber Departed this Life March ye :25:1777: In the
[blank] of His Age"
death date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 218 as "Hopstill Thurber ye Wife of Edward Thurber Deceased this
July ye :31:1763: being in the 49 year of her age" (listed as Hopestill
Luther Thurber in index)
Sisson Family records:
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 98 as "Jarius Sisson the Son of John Sisson and of Mary his wif was
born february the 8:1756."
birth date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 132 as Phebe Sisson the Daughter of John Sisson and Mary his wif was
born November the 12:1751."
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 240 as "Aron Luther of Swanzey and Jane Sisson of Warrin ware married
february 14th [torn] by me Russell Mason Elder of a Church of Christ in
Swanzey (Feb. 14,1790 in Country Records)."
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 237 as "Eseck Sisson a Resident of Swanzey and Sebary Luther of
Swanzey was Married June ye 30:1790 by me Russell Mason Elder of a Church
of Christ in Swanzey."
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 246 as "Gardner Sisson Resident of Swanzey and Easter Woodmansee of
Swanzey was Married June ye 4:1790 by me Nathaniel Cole Elder."
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 246 as "George Sisson Juner of Worrin and Bethany Luther of Swanzey
were Joined in the Covenant of Marriage on the 10 day of June 1781 by me
David Peirce Justice of Peace."
marriage date listed in "Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850"
page 251 as "Job Dagged of Swanzey and Phebe Sisson of Warrin was married
June ye :11:1778 By Russell Mason Pastor of a Church of Christ in