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Four Home Run Day Award - recieved August 04, 1998
I am pleased to inform that your site, "Pro-Woman, Pro-Life, Stop Abortion" has won the Adam Graham Internet Column, "Four Home Run Day Award". Four Home Runs in a day is the pinnacle of offensive accomplishment in Baseball for a day, and your site is the pinnacle of accomplishment in good, informative web design in a day. Your links provide information on pro-lifers of every stripe, and is a great resource for pro-lifers on how to convince those who oppose, generally liberals, and liberterians.
The Badger Award - Pick of the Day for June 21, 1998
The honor of being chosen as Badger's Pick of the Day is based on the following criteria. Creative art work, fast loading pages, good content, creative site theme, and innovative technology.
This was awarded to my Pet Peeve Page!
Pro-Life Award - received June 08, 1998
This was awarded to my abortion section
"I am so delighted to have discovered your site and would like to offer it an award. Our site offers a "Pro-Life Award" and we feel that your site more than deserves it!"
Thanks Jennifer!
Marvin the Martian Award - received June 01, 1998
The Kidz are People too Award - received May 27, 1998
This was awarded to my pro-life page
Conservative Site of the day - received May 22, 1998
The "OH MY, WHAT A GREAT WEBSITE" award - received April 4, 1998
The Gee! Award - received March 06, 1998
"I'm happy to present you with the Gee! Award for your excellent website!"
First Place Net Resources Site of The Week Award - received March 1, 1998
Award Your Site!!!!
Hot Dog 5 Star Award - received January 28, 1998
"Great site Carolyn. You've won the 5 star site award! Happy webbing."
Diana's Best Award for Content and Beauty - received January 23, 1998
Awarded to my Diana page
"Your site is wonderful. Therefore, it is my great pleasure to offer you Diana's Best Award for content and beauty!"
Ultimate Links and Sites Gold Award - Received January 21, 1998
"The 'Gold' Award recognizes exceptional design and content."
Hot List Award - Received January 20, 1998
This was awarded to my Diana ribbon campaign page
"I have created a "Hot List" which highlights the best designed (graphically and creatively) as well as informative web sites on the net. I have selected your site as one of those sites that stand out on the web."
Recommended by Recondite - Received January 07, 1998
"Congratulations on a page well done. You definitely deserve this award!"
Do it Right - Make it Bite! Award - Received January 05, 1998
"This award fits your site, because it's well organized and packs a punch!"
The Creepy Award - received November 9, 1997
"The Creepy Award is which was my way of giving credit to those people who go the extra mile when it comes to putting together a web page. So, this month's award goes to "Carolyn's Little World", a very entertaining place to visit. By what I've seen, a lot of hard work went into this page, and a lot of votes were sent in as well So, it's with great pleasure I give this award, which was long overdue."
Conservative Achievement Award - received October 15, 1997 - Awarded to my Political Page
"This award commemorates the expression of Conservative ideals. As our society embraces collectivist governance and moral relativism it is important that we continue to reward those who promote individual responsibility and the protection of freedom. This award will grow to symbolize quality as it will appear only on the best technically and philosophically sound web sites. The sites that bear this award are commended for continuing the promotion of Conservative ideals."
All American Conservative Site Award - received August 24, 1997
The was awarded to my Paula Jones Page.
"Your site was selected because of your high devotion to excellence. If you look over the Hall of Fame you'll see that only quality sites have been awarded. This is an authentic award, only 52 are given in a calendar year."
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