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Sharon's Award - received July 29, 1997
Thanks for the angel Sharon!
Top 10% Award - received July 29, 1997
"Very Nice site. You are the Top 10%!"
AMERIWARD! For Cherry Hill, Camden County, New Jersey, USA - received July 09, 1997
Award for pages for each state in the US!
Look! My Politics Page was the the featured site the week of June 30, 1997!
Danielle's Award - received May 19, 1997
Thanks Danielle!
Eddie's Award of Excellence - received May 19, 1997
Site judged on:
Download time
Overall appearance
Ease of use
Do all your links work?
Terrie's Diamond in the Rough Award - received May 15, 1997
Your site must meet all the critera to win! Thanks Terrie!
Joe Bags' Cool Site of the Night Award - received April 20, 1997
The Socrates Award for Homepage Creativity - received April 18, 1997
"Awarded for the creative compositional talent of the writer which is exemplified in his/her homepages"
The Socrates Award for Thought Provoking Content - received April 18, 1997
"Awarded on the basis of the intellectual content of the pages displaying this award"
KCC Online 'Meritorious Site Award' - received April 10, 1997
"Given to Web sites that are wholesome, contain no profanity, no adult links or content, are upbeat, and well designed."
(this was awarded to my abortion issues section)
Shawn's Way Cool Award - received April 4, 1997
"I have visited your page and I'm very impressed. Keep up the great work"
The Ray of Light Award - received February 18, 1997
"Your page is a valuable service. We are happy to award you the Ray of Light Award."
(this was awarded to my abortion issues section)
Scorpio's Excellence in HTML Design - received October 21, 1996
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