Do you have a conservative web site? If so, Link Exchange may reject your banner!
Update - August 29, 1999 Nothing new in over a year, so I asked people to vote and tell me if this page should stay up or not. The votes were overwhelmingly "yes" so this page will stay.
Update - January 21, 1999 I think it is rather ironic that Link Exchange used to reject banners which mentioned impeaching Bill Clinton because they were too offensive! :)
Update - April 09, 1998 - Another "offensive" banner rejected. (below)
More infoUpdate - February 10, 1998 - Link Exchange rejects ANOTHER banner! Seen Below:
From the site owner: "I finally submitted my banner to linkex and got the form letter 'your banner is not acceptable..." - Este Link Exchange said they rejected the banner because of the word "anti"...geee... that's odd considering these banners are in circulation! This banner of course, does happen to be conservative - surprise surprise!Update - December 23, 1997 - Link Exchange Rejects Another Banner! Seen Below:
I fail to see how a banner advertising a way to help stop hate groups which target children is unacceptable! More info...
Update - November 19, 1997 - Link Exchange Rejects Another Banner!!! Seen Below:
Update - October 27, 1997 - Link Exchange backed down on one previously rejectd banner!
10/20/97 More banner fun with Link Exchange!
Update - September 21, 1997 - Here are some additional banners found in circulation at Link Exchange. Again, I do not agree that these banners are less offensive than the ones not accepted by Link Exchange. I provide this information so people can judge for themselves.
Update - August 17, 1997 - Link Exchange responded to me! I have info on Link Exchange's current policy as well as some answers to some of my questions. I still do not agree with Link Exchange's policy, and still believe there is bias. However, I was pleased to receive clarification on my questions.
Update - August 05, 1997 - I just found out that ILE is now sending out incorrect information to people about the censorship of some banners.
Found in July, 1997:
- The letter that was forwarded to me from ILE, with my response and
- An official statement from "The Right on the Web," since their banner is one Link Exchange claims not to have ever censored.
Look what banner has been accepted to Link Exchange!
Please note: I found out that the above banner was accepted after the following banner was rejected by Link Exchange:
The site owner is no longer a member of Link Exchange.
Please see the update page for detailsThe Link Exchange seems to have some problems with their definition of "offensive." It seems as if disagreeing with President Clinton or providing medical information is tooooo offensive for Link Exchange. Now, if you read the Update Page (and now the more recent update) you will find that Link Exchange accepts some anti-Clinton banners due to peoples' complaints.
- In the this all started!
- See what ILE thinks is too offensive to be included in Link Exchange Banners!
- See what ILE doesn't think is offensive - you might be surprised!
On a lighter note, you can always visit my personal web site or check out some pictures :-)
Do you agree with this page?! Then use an icon on your web site!