Ok - here is the story in brief. Following are the emails regarding this.
Below is the second, accepted banner:
- The above banner was not accepted. because it had the word "Anti" on it. (please note that there are banners on circulation with the word "Anti" on them
- A second one was submitted without the word "Anti"
- The second one was rejected.
- People complained
- Link Exchange accepted the banner after receiving complaints
According to Link Exchange, banners with word "Anti" are not allowed. Below is a quote from Jason at Link Exchange:"The banner which reads "anti-democrat" would not have been accepted just because we don't usually accept any banner which has "anti" on it. For example, we wouldn't advertise an "anti-Hanson" banner."
I do have a question - if the word "Anti" is not allowed, then why are the following banners in circulation? I checked and these banners were still in circulation as of 2/11/98!
To be fair, Jason did say that the second banner was acceptable, after I asked why the second one was rejected (and he responded very promptly):
"The second banner should very well have been accepted. I couldn't imagine why it wasn't I think, most recently, you submitted another version of the banner which was accepted. If that's not the one you want in, let me know and I can help expedite the resubmittal process"Below is the original e-mail Link Exchange sent, rejecting the first banner:
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:53:53 -0700 From: admin@linkexchange.com To: dave@foxberry.net Subject: LinkExchange - X393373 Thank you for submitting your banner to the LinkExchange network. Although your web site is acceptable, we are not able to accept your banner into our network at this time (please be aware that full membership in the LinkExchange network is contingent upon banner submission and approval). Our members' banners are displayed on a network of over 100,000 different web sites. In order to insure that each banner advertised is acceptable to that audience, we insist that all banners are generally acceptable to the vast majority of our network members. For example, the banner which you wish to advertise over the LinkExchange network must not contain curse words or inflammatory content. In addition, unacceptable language or unacceptable imagery such as nudity; sexual imagery or graphic depictions of gruesome or sanguinary content will be cause for banner rejection, regardless of context. We would like to complete your application for membership as soon as possible. Could you please redesign your banner and submit it to us again, so that we can begin advertising your web site? If you are already an active member of the LinkExchange network, your old banner will continue to be advertised until a new one is processed. If you have any questions or comments, please use the feedback form located at: http://www.linkexchange.com/help.html Thank you, LinkExchange Quality Assurance Team -------------------------------------------------------- HELP/QUESTIONS---> http://www.linkexchange.com/help.htmlAfter a news banner was submitted without the anti message, it was still rejected - so obviously, Link Exchange was asked about this. They finally accepted the banner:
When Link Exchange was questioned on the censoring of this banner, they responded with the following: Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 12:22:45 -0700 (PDT) From: admin19To: davelowe@grfn.org Subject: Re: Re: LinkExchange - X393373 Hi , Your banner was not approved by our QA team because of the negative message or use of the anti-symbol, even if the presentation is in jest. As a general rule, banners must maintain a neutral tone such that each banner is eligible for display on any site in the LinkExchange network. Please consider submitting another banner for approval. Thank You for your understanding. Sincerely, Marissa Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 14:32:03 -0700 (PDT) From: admin19To: dave@foxberry.net Subject: Re: Re: LinkExchange - X393373 Hi , I spoke to the head of QA and this banner appears to be fine. It was the anti-Democrat banner that we couldn't accept. I have resubmitted your banner and it should be up and running by this evening. :) Sincerely, Marissa -- LE TIP OF THE DAY ---------------------- PLEASE CATEGORIZE YOUR SITE!!! You can categorize your site at: http://www.linkexchange.com/members ------------------------------------------- Original message follows: ------------------------- No message was sent back. admin19 wrote: > > Original message follows: > ------------------------- > > Marissa, > I removed the "Anti" synbol per your request. Any OTHER suggestions, as > I've resubmitted a new banner, and received the same stale form letter. > This is getting old.. >/Dave
Another question....the banners must be neutral? Are these banners neutral?
Decide for yourself.